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RE: Message to Newcomers. Follow back won't take You anywhere.

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

Man don't be sorry if that is all true :D Many times people asked me on discord about "upvote 4 upvote" , "follow 4 follow" and I just ignore this shit. Simple.

All best!
Bless :)


But we need at least to tell that people that is not how it works... it is our job to teach people. 😉

Ned's recent comment and downvote towards Dan is just one of many examples of this. It seems to have been the last straw for Dan, who has now said:

"When Steemit CEO uses company stake to vote himself $3000 on a 3 word comment to justify his downvote on a post that declined payment you have a system that is corrupt...I will strive to rebuild a new community that will hopefully realize my original vision."

A good regulator of a system must be a model of that system:

Please read the comments!