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RE: Vlog #5

What's Up @jozef230?!? I'm relearning how to love the gym again lol. That's awesome that you are motivated, it inspires me. How often do you work out? It sucks to have to deal with poor health, but I'm glad you are improving your situation. What have you been doing to detress? Do you usually get sick around the end of the year (it's usually a very rough time for us mentally physically and spiritually).

For combatting sickness we keep vitamin c powder on tap, and maaaaaaaan is it a HUGE benefit!!! We get ours on amazon since it has the best prices.


Inflammation elbow actually. Yes vit C I forgot eat. My lunks were sick. I tranning 20 years but with brakes, family, army and many stress wih my life. Actually I wait to the january and back the gym. I like FBW plan and if you check my profile you find plan trening and "diet" :-) I motivation you-You motivation me! Aaa I would like to all day to speak about gym :-) Now my second hobby-filmiking :-) Have and strong day my friend! :-) Regards your parnter! :-) Good form you and girl.
Check #diy tag
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Damn, that's rough brotha, but I know you're gonna crush it when you get back too it! Hell yea!! We're not only gonna motivate each other, we're gonna get steemit and this world rocking!

Thank you for your service my man, I can appreciate the effort in trying to juggle life while trying to be the best version of yourself. I was in the military myself for 6 years got meb'd for back and various other injuries. I am picking up filming myself to learn how to tell a story, and spread love in this realm. I'm definitely gonna be following your progress and growth bro!! Thank you for the kind regards, and same to you and your family 🙏🏾🤗