You guys know that this is the goal. I have been working hard to make it happen as soon as possible but maybe to do it I will have to make some really difficult decision.
Just the idea of leaving London get me stressed but sometimes You do what You have to do.
What are Your thoughts about it?
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I pretty sure we going to see you geting one of these soon

This is the funniest comment I have ever got... lolol thank you so much for takink the time to do this. So good. Eheheheh lol
doing it part time making full time wages is my goal ;p
That sounds like a good plan... but maybe not the best mindset to get you there. Eheheheh
good job my freind @sergiomendes
Well need to be working hard now to make it happen 😁
If you love where you live I wouldn’t give it up if I didn’t have to. That said have you looked into being a digital nomad?
Also be careful of moving too fast. Once upon a time I was making $20 - $150 a post but I didn’t keep up and now anything over $10 is stellar.
Thank You so much for the concern and the warning I know all of that. This won't be something I will do without having some base where I can count if something go wrong. But it is nice of You to alert.
Well I do Love here and hopefully if I decide to move I will be able to come back here later in life. But right now being in a place where I could quit my job (for being cheaper to live) and focus on create more content online (hopefully growing the number of People that enjoy and support my content) to be able to support myself it would make everything easier.
Because London is amazing and I Love it... but it is expensive as shit. LOL
I can definitely understand this. Move to a cheaper location and gain more control. Good luck!
Yeah. Thanks you for the wishes 😉
Something that has been on my mind also. If I didn’t have a boy to feed I’d probably have done it already a week ago. Still a lot to think about! All the best with the best decision for you, my friend :)
Yeah when you are by yourself it is easier to try and risk crazy things like this. Thank you so much for the wished and I also hope that You can get to a point where You can do the transition without a high risk 😁
You can move to pretty much any city in England and it will be so much cheaper than London, personally I like Bristol a lot, it's got a great art and music scene, I also love Brighton but it's also quite expensive...
That is true... well havent check Bristol yet... need to add it to my list of places to check. Yeah Brighton it is lovely I have lived there for almost 2 years... way cheaper than London but still more expensive than a lot of other places eheheheh Thanks for the suggestions ❤
good post
I loved it!
I wish you much success Sergi. Keep up the Vlogging and sharing what you're passionate about. Cryptocurrency is probably the future and you're in the right place.
Yeah lets hope so. We just can work hard and keep our eyes open but not bet all in the same horse ehehe we need to be savy 😉
Best of luck to you in these coming months brother! I hope you are able to achieve your goal of becoming a full-timer!
I really need. And on top of that a lot of hard work as well 😊 but i will make it happen.
Good post!!
I Like You'r Style Mr @sergiomendes.
Thank you so much 😁 i am glad you like my style eheheh
Heheee you'r wellcome 😁
nice post thanks and vote.
very good post :) @sergiomendes
Thoughts on what? Leaving London? I could not be happier when I did! Man that weather drove me crazy depressed...
Hummm... i wont be leaving the UK... just thinking about a place that is not london... suggestions??? Something more affordable. I dont mind the weather and to be honest the only reason that i am thinking about leaving london is to be able to go full time dtuber.
I liked Bournemouth a lot on the South.
I have lived for almost 2 years in Brighton so I know they are pretty similar... the thing is that both of them are cheaper than London...true. But not the most cheapest cities still! :D But thank You so much for the suggestion :D
If I had to live in the UK, it'd be Bristol which is an amazing city and definitely cheaper than Merry Olde London.
Ehehe Bristol is getting a lot of votes here eheheh i really need to check it. 😉
Go live where tim or slayer is! Good luck with everything!
Ohhhh poor @slayerkm i dont wish him that bad lolol but actually the place where he live is on my list... we might become neighbours ehehhe
He has a house to himself. Be room buddiessss!
Yes bro I will love for you to achieve your goal this year man! Just keep up the amazing videos and you will reach it on a quick one mate!
Thank you so much for the support. I will for sure make it happen no matter what. There is no other way 😉
Good luck hope it works out.
A brave step in the right direction on becoming more independent, Serigo. I guess you’re right that such an expensive place like London is not ideal for the start of your DTube carreer. It’s maybe a nice place to live if you’re already earning some really good money with that. You can still come back later ;)
Yeah that is the plan. To move away. To make a living and then start saving to invest in a morgage here in london eheheh lets see how it goes ❤
As crazy as it sounds, I'm already doing it for a few months.
I'm taking the big risk of relying on whale upvotes, But it motivates me to improve faster.
Worst case scenario i'll come back to my home country and work as a bike courier/ Dtuber :D
That is awesome. I am so jealous of you. But i understand the feeling. But there in Thailand the living cost is waaaayyyyyyy lower eheheh maybe i need to plan moving there instead of somewhere here in the UK (just joking)
Norfolk is lovely, and very cheap compared to London. However it is quiet and everything is 10x slower than london! Depends what you are looking for my friend!
Norwich is our local city and it can be expensive to live there compared to say a town like Great Yarmouth/Lowestoft or any neighbouring villages. Just again they are very quiet compared to a city haha
yeah as I said... for a while I am just looking for the most affordable... the cheapest place I can find... all I need is a house. internet. electricity and water. I will be spending a lot of time at home working on creating content. So I dont mind if it is a quiet place :D
Well this friend I told You in great yarmouth told me he is helping a landlord with some houses and that if he knows about something he will tell me as well :D
That is so true, you can create great content from anywhere so why pay against the odds for rent when you can pay less somewhere else. Plus you'd be near me and @tim.clarke hahha :)
Yeah let's see... I have a couple of months to organise myself and make a move. :D