Awesome response. Thank you.
Since there is a very introspective and narcissistic component to creating video (and more specifically vlogging), you do tend to discover aspects about yourself or your life are sometimes quite uncomfortable! Even just the concept of sharing frequently exposes you to you and that can feel quite vulnerable at times.
Great insight. I honestly haven't thought about that a whole lot on this platform, but when reading this I got a flood of memories around these feelings. I've always had a pretty easy time being open with strangers. I don't think I have any of my "in-person" friends on Steemit yet, but as I spend more time here, some of my followers are no longer strangers. I wanted to challenge myself and my tendency to hide, so I intentionally use my real identity for my account. That does not come without a cost though.
A lot of the "blah" that I am feeling is actually connected to Steemit for another reason though. After a month or two of creating, I am realizing more and more how my current career is the antithesis of what I want to be doing. Before Steemit, I was way more content with my job. haha.
Also, I actually have five kids! Thanks for the encouragement.
Well good news is that the antithesis often leads to the thesis... so you're on the right track ;-) and wow man... 5 kids. You are some special dude!