Ini bencana yang tidak di sangka menjelang akhir tahun ini,,
Saya pikir hanya aceh singkil yang harus bersiap-siap dalam bencana rutin di setiap tahunnya..
Ternyata tahun ini wilayah kita sudah mendahulukan aceh singkil..
Saya turut prihatin pada beberapa desa yang tertimpa banjir...
Besok saya berencana melihat lebih jelas langsung dari lokasi...
Thanks for sharing brother...😎👍
This is an unexpected disaster towards the end of this year ...
I think only Acehnese Aceh must be prepared for routine disasters every year ...
It turns out that this year our region has prioritized the Acehnese Aceh ...
I am concerned that some of the villages that were affected by the flood ...
Tomorrow I plan to see more clearly from the location ...
Thanks for sharing brother ... 😎👍
Yes, and this is happening in our region. May not fall victim
Yes brother, I just heard the news this afternoon. Thank God that there are no casualties, but some residents must evacuate.
Yes brother, I just heard the news this afternoon. Thank God that there are no casualties, but some residents must evacuate.