Andrew, thanks so much for taking the time to give me such an awesome response. In general, I’m really interested in the whole SMT development and what it potentially means in terms of sustaining this whole ecosystem as a collective.
I totally get where you are coming from in terms of perpetual rewards, especially how it could potentially be abused in some cases if these solutions are neglected.
In general, I’m excited to see them develop and what it will mean for Steemit as a whole!
One thing I really admire about the work that’s being done here is how openly discussed these descions are, for example when a platform has a new update, everyone is kept in the know as to why new changes were made and why other things weren’t implemented. As a daily user, it’s refreshing to see that new ideas are being considered and that opinions are listened to. But on the other hand, it’s just as refreshing when something isn’t implemented, especially if it would be a risky move or detrimental to the end goal.
Thank you so much for sharing your insight, it’s given me more than enough information to ponder over and by far, my most productive comment to date. I appreciate the hard work you all do in this place and can’t wait to see what the future brings.