Go you. There have been a few nights when I've already gone to bed and then realised I didn't write my daily journal. I have to admit a couple of times to being like oh-fuck-it and going to sleep, but more often I've got up and done it, and felt better because of it. You're right, it's not so much about the action itself, as about affirming the habit for yourself. Doing it on the days when it's hard is what makes it a habit and a commitment, rather than just a hobby, and that's what makes it so amazingly fulfilling!
Also, I love that random camera effect thing. Probably intended for when you're white water rafting or parachuting etc (but works best for the white-knuckle, adrenalin fuelled ride that is vlogging, obviously)
It really does make a difference. I've found that oftentimes the thought of doing something is a lot more stressful than the act of actually doing it. Thus, when you can get over the thought hump, you're bound for great things ;-)
Haha glad you like the effect. Parachuting, white water rafting, laying in bed... it's so damn versatile.