Welcome on the platform :) wish you a nice stay here and lot of new inspired creations
The environment behind you is beautiful, I'm currently in a cloudy dark place where its cold asf
Nevertheless, I do love Nathan, but there is no way half activity on the platform is did by him! haha
There is lot of active users working daily to push this place forward :) so that's kind of an understatement
I have a little tip for you that will greatly impact your chances of getting rewarded by DTube, next time try to turn your camera so you can get the full screen vid :) just as DTube player
And continue creating :) nice snap bro!
Peace be with you
Thanks for stopping by and watching. We're being very lucky right now with the weather that's why it's so important to get outside and enjoy it before the winter hits properly. I'm a huge fan of nathan who does so much to help out steemit and dtube even if it's not quite half :D.
Thanks for the tip. Once i went to upload the video i realized it too but at least i know for next time. Hopefully it will turn out a bit better for the next one.