Call from mr, Nathanmars

in #dtubesnap6 years ago

Hallo dtuber semuanya,,, apakah anda sudah melihat postingan dari mr. @nathanmars?

Hello everyone said ... have you seen the post from Mr. @nathanmars?

In this case I invite all members of #dcomindonesia to keep moving to promote dtube in every post,

Dalam hal ini saya melihat anggota komunitas dari dcomindonesia masih banyak yang melakukan postingan di esteem, itu termasuk saya, dan saya akan memperbaiki ini semua.
Yang pastinya kita semua harus berperan aktif dalam mempromosikan dtube sebagai masa depan untuk kita bersama.

In this case I see community members from #dcomindonesia there are still many who make posts on esteem, that includes me, and I will fix this all.
What is certain is that we all must play an active role in promoting #dtube as a future for us together.

Semoga seluruh anggota dcomindonesia membuka video nathanmars dan video saya ini, dan segara mempromosikan dtube untuk seluruh teman kita,

Hopefully all members of comindonesia open this video of @nathanmars and videos, and immediately promote @dtube for all our friends,

By @good-darma

▶️ DTube

thank you my brother for the information

All members of the community in @dcomindonesia must know about this, and we must jointly call on all members of #Dcomindonesia to continue promoting this beloved dtube.

Semua anggota komunitas @dcomindonesia harus tau tentang ini, dan kita bersama harus menyerukan, agar semua anggota #Dcomindonesia untuk terus mempromosikan dtube tercinta ini.

Congagulation Brother really looks very beautiful and this is our video that you do not have to say about our heliping man. We do not have a man like us on this platform, so today we may be doing so well thanks to his introduction and his and his conversation.

Continue to promote dtube, is this a suggestion from me ?!

Of course, if you use good content and good content all the time, of course you will be able to be the first one.

Yes, we will all get the best place,

Keren rakan