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RE: Bare Root Fruit Trees! Why... and where to order!

in #dtubesnap6 years ago

heck yesssss!!!!! you two know!!!! ;) i COMPLETELY agree....that it can mean the difference of failure and inspiration...when it comes to getting a food forest off the ground!!!!!! it's why i hope others look at bare root vs. thinking they can just get their forest going from seeds of fruit...or what's available at home depot. i just love YOUR love of fruit tree genetics...and grafting. oh'll LOVE the zaiger genetics...dave wilson trees!!!!! i love this time of year too....and often get more work done during these colder months than i do during the warm lol!!! oh man...a DOZEN...heritage pears and apples....from a local nurseryman!!!!!!??? zombie fruit!!! my gosh two are just in a field of your far as people doing this...and it's inspiring beyond measure to me!!!!! i'm just so grateful you're capturing it for this blockchain..and dtube so i can follow along with my perma grin!!!!! please keep it coming to my friends!!!!


you are so sweet Jake! Ini & I really appreciate you and i'll make sure he sees this message <3 <3 <3

i love you both so much!!!!! i can hardly wait...for ya'llz #dtubensap .... today....please bring it ON!!!!! :)) you're such an inspiring team wren!!!! yeeeeehawwww!!!!!