Thanks a lot for add me in the proyects77 list. I am there 100% of course completely agree with that. Tomorrow i will do that youtube video and ll put the ling in the coment section of that video, today i watched it completely. Was you giving class there ? It was nice to see you in a clasroom you would be a good teacher pretty sure about it. That is my daily enviroment in my daily work as a teacher in a high school. But really bro @nathanmars my dream and my passion it isn in that direction...
My passion is about share the yoga benefits with people and to live near the mountains in my beloved Patagonia Argentina, you should know this place one day, you would love it.
Best for you my friend ! and thank for all the effor that you are putting for us here in steem blockchain , specifically in @dtube
Tomorrow i am posting the youtube video in the comment section of your link777 video.
shanti shanti to you and stay bless bro !
Your project deserve to be in projects77!
I’m so excited for you and your dream will come true and it’s just gonna take time and efforts along with your true passion for Yoga!
Haha I was actually teaching English conversations class in UK for one year and try to build an language school because I love helping others.
The place I recorded this video was in Start-Up school in Japan 🇯🇵 and most of the times I go there to network.
Enough about me. Looking forward to be part of @dyoga project and please take your time with preparing your video!
Talk to you soon