Thank you so much for your encouraging words brother!
One of the main focus is LinK777 is to connect creative and talented people with killer projects and dApps then connect those founders of these dApps with Angel investors and Developers.
Sorry to hear your situation at the moments and I'm sure you'll overcome the obstacles very soon!
With regards to engagement you've options with #SNAPcomment and #SNAPfeedback and I hope this will help you lot!
Take your time with YT and yes we need a Twitter account to let Angels see what we're doing here :)
Any questions then please get in touch with me directly!
WhatsApp +447901003594
Telegram @nathanmars
Twitter @nathanmars7
Discord @nathanmars#2708
Excellent, thanks so much for your response @nathanmars! I have the YouTube vid on my to do list and will set up a Twitter account as well. Good to know I can DM you on discord, that will probably be my method of choice in the near term. I'm @icecreamrobot#1906. I love your ideas, this is very exciting. Have had some thoughts recently about ways to make steemit and its dapps, including dtube, more accessible to mainstream. I'll HYU at some point and just quickly break down my thoughts on it in case any of it might be of value to you in your endeavors. All the best my friend :)
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Send you a direct message on Discord :)