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RE: Hunting 777 passionate people, 77 long-term projects, 7 killer dApps to make the next LinkedIN for our Blockchain with DTube

in #dtubesnapplus6 years ago

Thanks for explaining yourself!

Watched your whole video from your post and it was so amazing. We would love to have you here with us on LinK777.

Actually I upload all my videos from my Iphone onto Dtube and I can understand that as a professional videographer, you want to do it from a properly from computer.

Our current contributions that we're asking is to leave 3 comments per day on Dtube contents to be part of our DtubeFamily777. So you don't need to create a video on Dtube. However to be part of LinK777, you will need to share a YouTube video CV along with your Twitter handle.

Hope you'll join us soon.

Please let me know if you've any questions!


Ok thanks Nathan I will see what I can manage. Do you upload to dtube from dapp for iPhone or using browser?😉🦋🌈🌴💛🍀

Using Chrome browser!

Hope this helps :)

Thanks -I Had tried using chrome in iPad with no luck but i will try on my iPhone.

If you still have trouble then please contact me directly and I'm happy walk you through...

WhatsApp +447901003594

Telegram @nathanmars Twitter @nathanmars7 Discord @nathanmars#2708

Thanks Nathan I appreciate that. 🦋🌈🌴💛