A simple story

in #duck2 years ago

Mealworm was a duck that lived a very lonely existence because each time he said his name people began screaming.

Mealworm tried changing his name to MW, but it was a no go. Everyone knew him by sight. They would not even eat the same corn as he did late at night.

Lonely and bored he decided it was time to take flight. Yup, that was his last-minute plan.

Off he travelled to see what else the world had to offer. Up, up, and away he walked. Flapping his wings at one hundred and ten percent he flew off to start his bright future life.

Soon he started losing feathers from flying too fast. He didn't care. There was not a duck around that cared about him anyway.

Flying for miles and miles on end, he was thinking so much he forgot to observe how far he had come. Looking below all he saw was water. In the distance, he saw a very green island. Mealworm headed there as fast as he could. His wings were about to give out!

The white sandy beach made a soft landing pad. Mealworm, now safe, turned around and saw the loveliest female duck ever found. Forgetting he was almost bald he swaggered his way towards her.

Tapeworm took one look at the newest suiter and sighed. What was it about men that think all they have to do is.........

She saw how bald he was. It pulled on her heartstrings as nothing had ever before. She waddled the rest of the way to him. Reaching out her wings to give him a pat on the back, Tapeworm asked him for his name.

Mealworm, being as tired as he was, didn't even think when he told her the truth. Realizing his mistake his eyes widened. In anticipation of the normal reaction, he held his breath.

To have flown so far, and have it all crumble in the first minutes was just too much for him to bare. He started to turn to walk away when he heard......laughter, but in a loving way.

Miss Tapeworm Duck reached out, grabbed Mealworm, and gave him a kiss he would never forget.

The end

Mealworm was a duck that lived very alone because people screamed each time he said his name.

Mealworm tried changing his name to just plain MW, but it was a no-go. Everyone knew him by sight. They would eat different corn than he did late at night.

Lonely and bored, he decided it was time to take flight. Yup, that was his newest plan.

Off he went to see what else the world had to offer. Up, up, and away he went. He started his new life by flapping his wings at one hundred and ten percent.

Soon he started losing feathers from going way too fast. He didn't care. There was not a duck around that cared about him anyway.

Flying for miles and miles on end, he thought so much he forgot to see how far he had come. Looking below, all he saw was water. In the distance, he spied a very green island. Mealworm headed there as fast as he could. His wings were about to give out!

The white sandy beach made a soft landing pad. Mealworm, now safe, turned around and saw the loveliest female duck ever found. Forgetting he was almost bald, he swaggered his way toward her.

Tapeworm took one look at the newest suiter and sighed. What was it about men that think all they have to do is.........

She saw how bald he was. It pulled on her heartstrings as nothing had ever before. She waddled the rest of the way to him. Reaching out her wing to give him a pat on the back, Tapeworm asked him for his name.
Being as tired as he was, Mealworm didn't even think when he told her the truth. Realizing his mistake, his eyes widen. He held his breath for the usual reaction.

To have flown so far and have it all crumble in the first minutes was just too much for him to bare. He started to turn to walk away when he heard......laughter, but in a loving way.

Miss Tapeworm Duck reached out, grabbed Mealworm, and gave him a kiss he would never forget.
The End