Young and Beautiful Female Construction Worker Catches the Heart of Everyone!

in #dumitruu7 years ago

Male really do dominates industries and occupations which are particularly vulnerable to masculine stereotypes and make it even more difficult for women to excel. Globally women continue to be highly overrepresented in clerical, service, and professional occupations.

We live in a society in which those who work construction are assumed to be the ones who couldn’t make it in any other career, who failed out of school, who are defined as lower class blue collar workers. Guess what? That’s all wrong.

If anything, this is a humble job, You will no longer make money by babysitting or spend the whole day watching Disney Channel and play hide and seek. Your days will be filled with, pulling heavy rolls of wire through the ceiling, installing smoke alarms, transporting heavy materials and installing light fixtures. You’ll get up before sunrise and work until late afternoon. When your boss hands you your paycheck, You’ll welcome yourself to the real world, where you have to work hard for your money.
For Xiao Mei, it didn’t matter if her job was for men, as long as she makes enough money to buy herself a house.
Despite looking frail for the job, Xiao Mei doesn’t use her gender to make her male co-workers give her easier jobs. She works just as hard as they would, and she claims she is happy in doing so.
She would carry bricks and sandbags, proving how tough she can be as long as she reaches her dream soon. Apparently, she didn’t want to burden her parents and wanted to save money to buy a house by working any way she can.
Xiao Mei has now become an inspiration to many young women who want to be independent. Despite being young and beautiful, Xiao Mei proved that this kind of work isn’t solely for men, especially when you have a dream to keep you motivated. In Xiao’s case, her only dream is to own a house bought with her hard-earned money.
This experience forced her to try new things, ignore first impressions, and really understand what’s working for your money really means. Throughout this career, You’ll laugh a lot, learn a lot and for the first time in a while, genuinely enjoy the job

source: latestcontroversial