The Lightcaller Chronicles: The road to the Amber Temple: Part I

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The town of Borovia… It was a shit hole. Run down and depressing with Castle Ravenloft looming overhead upon the cliff at the northern edge of town. It was creepy as fuck. There wasn’t anyone on the streets and it had an air of despair to it. I couldn’t believe a place like this existed in all the realms, you could feel the hopelessness of the people just by entering the town.

We parted ways with our guides a just outside the town and entered. We had barely gotten a hundred feet in before we all stopped in astonishment. There just inside the town limits was the death house, it almost seemed as if it was waiting for us. Also standing in the street looking confused was Tiefling. It was a little weird as he looks eerily familiar yet I don’t recall ever meeting him before.

We walked up to him and he introduced himself as Maven, he had just appeared in the street outside the house and had no idea where he was. I introduced him to the group and discovered that he was related to Iliad, that explained why he looked familiar. Once we were done introductions we decided to check out the house to see if we had a safe place to stay.

None of the other members were willing to step foot inside the house so I being the only one with balls entered and started looking around. As soon as I stepped through the door I braced myself preparing for a sudden and horrible death, but nothing happened. I looked around the house and it appeared to be a regular old house with a dead Tiefling in the sitting room. I went back out and informed the others and we all went in to bunk down for the night. As everyone else went and got ready for the night I decided to bury Iliad in the back, after taking all his useful gear of course.

I finished burying him in the back and was inside figuring out what we should all eat when there was a pounding at the front door. Preparing my most potent spell, seeing how this land seems to be constantly trying to kill me, and opened the door. There standing in front of me were the town guards, at least that’s what I assumed as they were wearing mail and seemed to try to dress the same. They asked if we were the occupants of the house and what I was doing in the back. I replied that I was burying a fallen comrade and they said he needs to be taken to the church of the Morning Lord for proper disposal as they have a zombie problem in this land. I thanked them and promised to do that first thing in the morning.

The rest of the night was uneventful, we ate, talked and then all went to bed. Morning came around and we all set out, I took Iliad’s body with me and told the group that I was going to head to the church to get rid of the body and everyone else decided to hit up the tavern and get provisions for the road. I said my goodbyes and promised to meet them at the bar. Once we split up I headed up to the church which was right under the Cliffside and the castle.

As I was walking up the road I kept feeling this sense of malice coming from the castle above, the closer I got to it the worse it got. It felt almost as if there was a great evil there just toying with us for its own amusement and that we are only alive for pure entertainment. There is something seriously wrong with this land and I don’t think that I can get out of here fast enough.

I reached the doors to the church and entered, as soon as I entered the church I was appalled at the condition of it. It was run down and looked as if someone had summoned a tornado inside and set it on a rampage. Everything was smashed and destroyed, it was unnerving to say the least. As I was walking towards the back, I could hear a voice coming from the basement of the building. It was moaning “Hungry, I’m so hungry…. Come down and let me feed….” It was creepy, and as much as I tried to ignore it, it just kept tugging at me.

I found the priest at the back, he was a disheveled old man who looked liked he hasn’t slept in a year. I brought him the body and asked about it being properly buried. He told me that he would take care of it and to leave it with him. I also asked about the voice in the basement. He informed me that it was his son and that he was being kept down there as he was inflicted by. When I pressed for more information about what he had thinking that I could help he told me there was nothing to be done as he was afflicted by Strahd, the vampire lord who ruled this land with an iron fist.

I couldn’t leave that poor soul afflicted like that so I vowed to come back and free the poor soul from his torment. I bid the priest farewell and headed off to find my companions. Little did I know that this was going to be the first of many encounters with vampires and the undead. The adventure was just going to be begging.

Hi everyone,

I know I have been off for a while with surgery's and stuff but with the new year I am back. I plan on posting more often and from here on things will start to get a lot more interesting.

I hope you all enjoy!


Great start to a dnd story! Followed so I can read up on the latest adventures.

Thank you! I am glad that you enjoyed it.