DunkPay - Cancel Etherium pending transaction

in #dunkpay7 years ago (edited)

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It is the situation that occurred last night.
I was sent token for the DunkPay Token event.
I sent a transaction with 9Gwei fee for saving the transaction fee.
I was waiting for half a day, but it was would continue to be re-pending.

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The bigger problem was that EOS ICO, which was trying to join, was coming.
I rushed to find a way to cancel pending transactions on the Internet.


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It is a way to set the order (nonce) of a pending transaction and resend it. The solution is explained only in the documentation, which seems to be complicated for the ordinary people.


So I created a app that Cancel Your Pending Transaction (CYPD).

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First, remember the order value (Nonce) of the pending transaction.

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(I would appreciate it if you give me a tip)Go to https://www.dunkpay.com/CYPD/ETH and just enter the nonce value.

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It is important to note that you must set the gas fee of transaction higher than the pending transaction.

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I set the gas rate above the average for the new transaction and It was immediately assigned as a new block.

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Previous pending transactions are no longer in existence due to defeat in gas competition.


I will go buy EOS right now.

If this solution is not solving for your problem , please let me know though send message.