DunkPay is a Cryptocurrency payment service that supports BTC / BCH / ETH / XRP / DNK coins.
Until now, we charged 1% of the lowest commission to operate the service. (like Bitpay ,.)
However, we think that there is an entry barriers to the initial users, so we decided made completely free.
Now you can earn cryptocurrency from DunkPay with no fee.
This update supports Ripple (XRP) and DunkPay (DNK) payments.
You can also get shortcut links easily with getLink() command.
I hope that many people will challenge it and activate the cryptocurrency payment !
Below is an example of a link to a user who wants to sell things with a DunkPay token.
var dunkpay = new Dunkpay()
dunkpay.type = "DNK"
dunkpay.itemName = "🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚"
dunkpay.address = "0x41C87EDB6AB6C719456EACC992F4C2FE278FF8D4"
dunkpay.amount = 0.01 // 0.01 DNK
var link = dunkpay.getLink()
Shortcut screenshot :
Youtube video for payment with ripple :
All payments are guaranteed in the blockchain !
Coins mentioned in post: