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RE: Hardly Drab...the Duranta.

in #duranta7 years ago

Golden Dewdrop Plant Features
Golden dewdrop is a beautiful tropical flowering shrub that's often grown as an annual in the North. It offers gardeners a spectacular show of beautiful blue or white flowers all summer long. (And in the tropics, golden dewdrop blooms on and off throughout the year). Though the flowers are lovely, golden dewdrop earned its common name from its fruits; the golden-yellow berries hang from the stems like earrings (or drops of golden dew if you're in a poetic mood).

As an annual or container-garden plant, golden dewdrop typically grows about 2 feet tall and wide or so. Gardeners lucky enough to grow it in Zone 10 can enjoy it as a landscape shrub where it can grow 6 feet tall and wide or more.

Note: Watch for varieties with bright gold or white-variegated foliage; they add even more interest to the landscape or containers.

Golden Dewdrop Questions?
Just drop us an email! Our experts are happy to help.

Golden Dewdrop Growing Instructions
Grow golden dewdrop in full sun; this flowering shrub blooms best when it gets lots of light. It tolerates partial shade just fine, though blooming is decreased. And if you want to grow it just for its foliage, you can even grow golden dewdrop in the shade.

If you live in the South, golden dewdrop thrives in full sun or part shade and can grow into a large shrub to 6 feet tall or more. Many gardeners use it as a hedge and shear it back to keep it contained. While golden dewdrop tolerates shearing well, doing so will cut back on the number of flowers the plant produces.

No matter where you live, water it enough to keep the soil moist, but not wet for extended periods. It's best to let the top inch or so of the soil to dry before you water again.

You can prune golden dewdrop any time the plant starts to grow out of bounds. It takes well to heavy pruning and in the tropics, is often grown as a flowering hedge plant.

Golden dewdrop is not intended for human or animal consumption.