
Hi @shachoberhessen, would I be correct to assume this account is being operated by @udow?

no this account is the account of "Schachvereinigung Oberhessen Echzell e.V." but @udow is member of the Club.

hmmm... so this is an account jointly used by various people?!

I have some concerns about your voting activity. Over a third of your VP is going towards one individual and you're leaving a lot of dust on his comments in threads that don't even involve yourself (e.g.:here).

The way the bunny is programmed to work it would theoretically try to fluff these all up for you and I am not really sure if that would be reasonable and aligned with the bunny's mission.

Ok with voting I just thought, that my vote power is so less, that it makes no sense to spare them and so I just voted.
I think you see, that I also vote much other People.
I was not looking so much about topic, I was just voting who also votes for me.
But in the end if it's not suites for the bunny than maybe just don't take me in your list.

Yeah, no worries, I wasn't thinking of anything nefarious. It's totally fine that you support your supporters and I see absolutely no issue in community-accounts :D

if they have a balance there).It's just that the bunny is programmed in a way that it would be difficult to help you reasonably. The support-votes you leave on those comments are obviously dust and likely to be lost (@dustsweeper will collect a maximum of 2 per day for each of the users

The bunny was specifically made to allow small accounts like yours to do such votes on comments and have them supported, but if the user does that excessively it will turn into a lottery as the bunny's support has obvious capacity limitations, too.

Maybe you can keep that in mind, be more "mindful" with the votes you give and you'd be more than welcome to re-apply in a week or so.

OK I think it's a good Suggestion.
Also my voting power is always very low because of much votes, so I think I will just try to bring them up to over 80% and than to give away only aprroximately 10 votes a day, like it was written here.
My thoughts was just that I have so less power that I just can vote everything - with the hope to get vote back. But will now really try to reduce votes.

so I just write message now, I tried to be more mindful with my votes and waited also some days for refreshing vote power, so if you want you can maybe check again - thanks in progress.

Yeap, indeed! I don't see those numerous dust-votes on comments in your recent account-history.

Awesome :D I'll add you to the list now.