May your baby's cute smile and laughs, be a spike of happiness in your life's graph. So, happy for u two!! That's going to be one lucky baby. This photography made by me.. The name of baby's ""Zarif" I love my cutest nephew. He also love's me. Some time we are playing. He called me "fupi". Babies. Just hearing the word makes us want to cuddle those beautiful little infants. Now, without further ado, let’s start this off by taking a look at the real thing.
Yes, I know. They are beyond adorable and, as with everything, there’s a scientific explanation behind why we find babies so cute. The Cuteness Traits
There are actually some traits that babies possess that automatically trigger our brains into feeling a sense of joy.
Nice post
Children are the greatest source of inspiration and if we truly love our children, then lets protect Mother Earth and make it a safer, healthier and better place for them.
I agree with u.. u r right
He is such a sweet happy baby. Blessings to him. 😀