
Well I have all those things, guess I should mix them together! I am applying coconut oil first though to re-hydrate my skin.

coconut can dry out, just sayn. if you have cbd or hald n half use that after a cold shower to cool the skin

right on, thank you! Do you mean the coconut oil can dry out, or the coconut oil will dry out my skin?

yes the CO can dry your skin, hair, etc out ...

The reason I ask is bc my friend did a piece ( a while ago) about how CO re-hydrates and protects your skin. I am only posting this link bc it is very relevant to this topic and I want to find out the real truth about it. Let me know what you think... IDK where she got her info is the only thing.

i know bc i use it and usually it works but not on burns. it can moisturize hair but also break it. aloe and cbd/thc mix. trust