Black Mirror and Preparing for the Future

in #dystopia7 years ago


A New Season of Dystopia

No new episodes have been out since joining Steemit so I haven’t been able to write about one of my favorite shows on ‘TV’ (or more accurately Netflix) - Black Mirror. Ever since being introduced to it when it was still a small British production, I’ve watched ever episode in anticipation and to be honest, the series beats out most movies that have come out recently, It some of the most wild story-telling I’ve seen and each packs a disorienting punch to the head.

For those who don’t know, Black Mirror is a series of stand-alone hour-long episodes. It’s kind of a modern-day version of the Twilight Zone but instead of anything supernatural or mysterious, each narrative arc presents a plausible future where a single technology causes an extreme scenario amongst regular people. What’s so magnetizing about these situations is that we can so easily trace our lives in this moment to the presented future. Artificial intelligence will happen. Replicated consciousness will happen. Sensorial implants will happen. The real question, which Black Mirror attempts to situate, is how those extreme technological developments will socially affect human life.

I’m a sucker for sci-fi, everything from the most alien-embracing alternate universes to very subtle forks from actual life. For me, science-fiction gives best reason to stretch the most out of one’s imagination, taking real elements of real life and real experiences and crafting all of that into a future projection. Of course, traditional sci-fi throws in wrenches like beings from Pluto or winged invaders but the underlying thrust is that actual humans are placed in these strange situations.

  • My absolute favorite on robotic bees. Source: IMDb

I can understand a great deal of criticism levied against this latest season of Black Mirror. The newest episodes are a bit tamer than the previous and mostly rely on a single twist at the end rather than a layered stack of narrative decisions. Whereas past episodes pushed concepts to their extreme limit, the dystopic futures of the recent 6 episodes are rather subtle. Still, the stories are very coherent and very plausible, drawing the viewer in to believe that this could very well happen within the next decade or two.

Preparing for the Creative Worst

When watching Black Mirror or the Matrix or any of the Terminator movies, you begin to understand one thing - there will be a future where something we’ve created will threaten us. I don’t mean to spread doomsday sentiments but essentially I believe that man will create something, whether it be a deadly manufactured disease or aggressive sentient technology, that will challenge the very lives we believe to be secure. Sci-fi often goes to the extreme end of zombie apocalypses and android armies, but we’ve already seen this happen in modern day. We’ve already created virus strains that come about as a confluence of chemicals and man-made environments or robots that can process complex emotions and reason. It isn’t far-fetched that one day we’ll find ourselves in a situation that is adversely created by these advancements.

More and more each day, we create things that are more disruptive than the previous technology at a faster rate. We already live in a world where cars drive themselves and sex-dolls are emotionally responsive. As the speed of these transformations quickens and deepens into greater sudden impact, we as a population have less and less time to adapt to the greater change. It will outpace us at some point.

A perfect recent example is Facebook’s shutdown of their ‘chatbot’ program. Facebook gave little explanation as to why this AI program was terminated and from public reports, it generally seems as if the computers were performing autonomously and although communicative with each other, no human could comprised their speech. This seems like one of those steps past our boundaries of comfort.

This brings me back to Black Mirror and sci-fi in general, which for me has become such a necessary creative task to project all the ‘unlikely’ scenarios that we may find ourselves in in the coming years. The ’14 movie “Ex Machina” for instance pushed AI into an ethical realm, years before the mainstream clamored for debates on the treatment of artificial consciousness. The more we’re able to project what life may be like or how technology might govern our social beings, the better equipped we will be in handling their potential impact.

We’re All Doomed

Well, unless we figure some of this stuff out. In the end, Black Mirror offers a very dramatic and engaging way for us to talk about these potential futures and create our own “What would you do” scenarios between friends and family. What would you do if you found out you were a simulation? What would you do if you had the choice of modifying your child’s perception? What would you do…?

Let me know your thoughts below!


Black Mirror is a phenomenal science fiction/drama/thriller. You are right that we are creating the mechanism in our society that may kill us. We look for the outside forces that may lead to our demise, but the irony is that technological development opens the door for more and more ways to mark our own demise.

I recently wrote an article on one of my favorite episodes, San Junipero. It is basically about the real-life impacts of a virtual world such as the one illustrated. I think you might like it, and I would love to hear what you think!

Black Mirror is one of the craziest/greatest series I've had the pleasure of watching. Those writers are fannnnntastic. One of the pictures in your post from the episode where the women is obsessed with upvotes and her social reputation was one of my favorites because it is not too far off what currently exists. Happy new year and all the best in 2018

Thanks for the comment Jason! Happy New Year!

And yea, we all have a fictitious rating hanging over our heads....

One of my favourite series of all time. It takes the old sci-fi short story as a concept and applies it to a TV screen, with the same, amazing results. It is just what Sci-Fi is supposed to be, it gives plausible future scenarios to open our eyes to the dangers of the present. I'm glad that its audience grew, honestly; nobody listened to me when I suggested watching the first two seasons, but Netflix apparently has a lot more power than I do :D

Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to watch the latest season. I can't really comment on the new episodes. But I find your post very interesting, especially when you're talking about the future: the funny thing is, apparently you're worried that the technology we create will one day become our doom due to its becoming sentient, while I tend to be more worried when Black Mirror deals with our social problems and the changes in our way of seeing, interacting, judging others, judging the self....
I think that either way, on some level, we really don't know what the future will be about; we have always been somehow capable of fixing our screw-ups, but the sensation now is that we are indeed going too far. I just hope that this kind of sci-fi narrative will start having a tangible effect on our reality.

At least you'll be one step ahead of everybody ;)

Thanks for the great reply @ziofeda!

I like the new season so far, but that's mostly because at this point the episodes are formulaic enough to be more comforting than the earlier seasons.

I agree, the episodes mostly do follow a more predictable formula but that in a way, though less dramatic, interestingly feeds back into the realism.

Some even have a dry, comedic tone as if it IS unavoidable but at least we can have a sense of humor about it. Which some may not like but I enjoy more. EP1 of this current season being a good example.

Ex Machina is one of my favorite movies! I’ll start watching Black Mirror today, that’s for sure! We’re definitely living in the future. Crypto world doing great and amazing technology available to all, but you made a good point... what would we do???

If you enjoyed Ex Machina, you'll definitely enjoy BMirror!

The new episodes are fantastic, I personally liked the first one people have been dubbing the star trek episode. There have been a few billionaires pushing for regulation on AI as soon as possible in order to avoid an undesirable future, who knows if that will ever pass. I think its so far in the future, it wont affect us much.

Maybe we're already in a simulation of those billionaires ;)

AWESOME. Thank you the great post and report!

Hi Steemians, hi @hansikhouse.. Yes! BMirror is like a Twilight Zone 2.
Hope you have seen, but I want to recommend the film Coeherence by the way and talking about this crazy thing of Course The Zero Theorem is a must ;)

Ooooo I'll check them out! Gracias @leotrap!

thanks for your voting

이런 멋진 영어포스팅 정말 부럽습니다^^ 블랙미러 함 찾아봐야겠어요

한번 보세요! 포스트 읽어주셔서 감사합니다@hygge님~

지금까지 제가 본 디스토피아적인 영화들 중에서는 터미네이터 시리즈가 가장 독보적이었습니다. 특히 그 중에서도 2편은 가장 인상적인 뒷장면들이 많았지요.

안그래도 요즘 새로운 미드 찾고 있었는데...블랙미러로 시작해야 겠습니다. :) 벌써 시즌이 꽤 많이 나온걸로 아는데.. 새로운 시즌 시작이군요. 찾아 봐야 겠어요 ㅋㅋ

Great post @hasinkhouse!!
I did a review about the movie The Beguiled and it will be awesome if you stop by my post and leave some comment, critic or advise so i can make better my next movie review.

Thanks for making me aware of season 4. I have been waiting for it for what feels like a decade. I really hope it is the quality of season 3.