
"herbert horrendous" Try that one.

I can picture him now, without even looking :)

There he is, beard still intact.

I wrote about hitting number 1 with that. It was a test. I saw peakd hit top slot... then it was changed to in top spot... then it moved down. Now, weeks later, peakd took the top slot again. That google is a confusing beast but a lot of my work hits top slots. "Raffle-coppin" That should be number one as well. That's an old English word of sorts. Someone might search it and see my post instead of a definition. That was another test that worked.

I think if I would have had the time to enter this contest thingy I'd have managed a decent result... maybe.

Yeah I'm confused and I think google are confused about how to list - something to do with canonical links I think.

I think I aimed to high with 'earn cryptocurrency', but at least there are some decent posts out there mentioning consumer rewards now.

I'll have to check out these posts when I get a moment. Curious to see how other minds work when it comes to this stuff.

"Earn money reading" might have been a bit easier.

Yep. I think it's belemo that took that angle with his title.

Google "Assface", hit the images tab.