Top 3 easy ways to earn money on internet

in #earning8 years ago

1. Start your own site or blog:  If a blog is maintained and audience oriented content  is uploaded that it can attract people. If more and more people visit the blog or website. Then  website can help person to earn handsome amount of money through advertisement.

2. Use skills to earn through Freelancing sites: Writer, designer, blogger, web designer, marketer and fianancial analyst can provide their services on Fiverr, Upwrok, Peopleperhour, and 99Design. In response they can earn money on the basis of projects. Through freelancing sites, freelancer( independent contractors) can earn lot of money.

3. Steemit: Writing content, uploading video and commenting to others post can help you to earn handsome amount of money. If you want to earn from steemit, then you should try to increase followers who can view, upvote and comment on your post. In response you will be able to earn money