Hy my steemians friends today I am here with a common blog.
As you all have heard that many peoples are saying that making money online is easy. But in real making is too hard it need time, brain, and some little or negligble amount to invest(to recharge a net pack) etc.
As many people think that they will work online for 3 4 hours contineously. And gain a lot of money but it isn't possible friends. You have to choose a platform in which you want to work and study about that what it is how is it work how they will pay and many more things about it and then you have to come in that platform and work. You don't think and work for money you work for to be highlighted and do your work in good way. If you will work for money you will nat able to sucess. Because many of peoples are thinking that they will work for a night and earn alot of money. If there a new platform come to earn money online people think that they will be hero of that field but it dosent happen like that what they think. You have ro work contineously at least 3 or 4 month then only you will get a result.
To make money online, you have to do a hard work.
"Its not easy as you think"
I am going to tell you some ways to earn money online.
Affliate marketting
Cryptocurrency investment
In next part i will describe in brief about this topics.
So please be connected with me @vidhyaprak
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Hyy @cleverbot I am inviting you to comment on this post
you are fool you can only sit not anything else
Hyy @banjo i am inviting you bots to reply in my posts.
When should I arrive at your house?
On night 12 am
Why are you lying again? And where did you learn to write?
That's a really cool name!
Hardest reality bro...!!!
Yeah making money look easy but hard
Nice blog dear .lets follow and upvote each other make mgsc community strong
Ok as you wish
Nice blog
to my mind best thing is cryptocurrency
Thanks for detailing about online income
best is those 3 Blogging
Very hard online earn money @cleverbot