
I bet!! I was flabbergasted when I saw that! Jeeezz!!
I love you're passion for this place! :D

I was spreading the word too. By the end of the month I was like, "Okay..I guess this is mostly mine then hey?" I'm going to be contributing again this month. I'd love to see the work divided amongst more people. Many hands make light work.

Damn straight! But still nice to have the worst case scenario be walking away with 100 Steem! Especially at today's prices!

I did donate 20 SBD to the pool shortly after this post went up. :)

I'm very grateful to our generous patrons. @stellabelle has been awesome.

This is the first time I've had the opportunity to be paid for wiki editing. I used to do it for Wikipedia as a hobby, but it was very time consuming. Eventually I burnt out. The motivation of monetary reward makes the time spent justifiable.