This phenomena continues to maintain some of my attention. There seems to be few quality resources in regards to arriving at a deeper understanding of how this unusual activity could be effecting us and the planet.
I have gathered some info from a few people that I hold in higher regard. In general, they state that there actually are some alterations now occurring that could potentially have some profound consequences for us.
I'd like to take note here of the fact that it was discovered during the start of the space station program, that it was necessary to emit the Schumann Resonance Frequency inside the space station after the astronauts were experiencing various unpleasant effects by being cut off from it during there time in space.
I just came across the following interview done with a man named Andrew Bartzis. I'm not familiar with his work, and he does, in part, go into some speculative, new ageesque explanations. He does however provide for us in my view, at the least, some direction in arriving at a deeper understanding of the phenomenon.
If anyone has been experiencing something unusual taking place, either within themselves, or their environment, I'd be interested in hearing about it here.
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Thanks for sharing! I'm a musician and sound engineer and this is a very important thing to think about...
Yes, it's true that something as this could possibly have the ability to influence one's creative endeavors in some way. Thank you for your input.