the collective solution- no world government-

in #earth8 years ago

We are building a social humanitarian network, and we invite you to join us in one common goal. True freedom!
A place to put our minds together and use whatever resources we have to assemble a social humanitarian network website where all the people and non-profit organizations , (that care about the Earth, the improvement of society, the environment, animals, humans, freedom, science, etc) can come together under one roof to facilitate communication and education.
To build a community of activist, scientist, artist, social workers, basically anyone who wants to join in helping develop a realistic step by step plan to transform the current state of the world into the most Humane existence conceivable and possible.
This may sounds like too big of a problem to solve (fixing all the unnecessary problems of mankind) but with all the creative force that humans possess nothing is unreachable, unfortunately right now most of that creative force is being wasted in an "anti-economic" system that's draining the world of its resources rapidly.We need to find great solutions and not limit ourselves. I truly believe that a website like this could be a major stepping stone for the advancement of society to the next level.
We could name the website something like Earth Citizenship. (already taken as of 2014, its a great concept that goes hand in hand with this concept)
Upon signing up one would (by choice) declare their birthright as a human being on Earth (details of this Declaration needs to developed collectively) thus becoming nothing more than what your were before "a citizen of the Earth who has the right to be free". One of the main goal of the website would be to address issues where these birthrights are denied and violated.
. The whole idea of this website revolves around creating a date (the date would have to be created with a collective of experts with sound reasoning) in let's say 60-70 years from where we decide to have the transformation of society established. Now we need to get from point A (now) to point B(a society that has healed from the wounds of its past, a society with abundance no poverty, abundant energy, no pollution, universal heathcare, interdependent society, value based on humanity's well-being rather than capital, in other words humanity working together at its full potential and getting better, anger and competition channeled through sports and challenges rather then through war, intimidation, and greed etc.)
Another main goal of this website would be to create different kinds of groups where people with specific talents can come together and work out the kinks on all the different aspects of the website
The website itself would have many categories such as, development of a new global econonic system (true economy) that upholds our Declaration of Birthrights, education, science, technology, human rights, needs and instinct, social engineering, blogs, emergency alerts, plus many more.


Please contribute any ideas,, Thank you so much on the behalf of humanity in the future!