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RE: You YOU-niverse You

in #earth7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for this share, it's this re-cognition of mind and re-connection with heart that I'm witnessing in others who talk on this that helps me continue feeling optimistic for our collective journey here.

I like how you re-mind readers we are all connected and have had access to our higher selves and "other" whispers from beyond what is commonly considered. Personally I've found what made my experiences "stick out" from everyday perspectives (other than clearly being white light/orb visits) was that they occurred during meditative no-mind states. So again the feeling of presence with and in a non-verbal communication is clearly not a voice in the head. More so an "intuitive feeling" or a clear push towards a certain idea, person, location or event. Then to find more "synchronicity" in that direction verifying the guidance as being something I'd not have initiated myself and yet lead to incredibly positive connections and experiences. Blessings, all of them.

I am interested if you would like to elaborate on this comment though, "Where or who they come from, by the way, is unimportant."? While I agree that the names, titles and labels that I've often heard thrown around in spiritual and/or galactic communities are unimportant and sometimes seem loaded with a kind of ego or separation from the human self.

However on my journey I've come into contact with presence that has not felt aligned or positive at all. I've met people/beings who outright claimed to be malevolent and the accompanying sense of fear attempting to immobilize me gave a definite sense of get the fuck out! And frog leap as far away as possible.

So in that sense I feel the alignment or the vibration is very important and I would not like to imagine what goes on with those willing "vehicles" that welcome such ideas to board their "ship". Although of course we hear of many stories and theories being around hollywood and porn valley, perhaps I've been incredibly close to other types of energy that I cannot identify as healthy.

Would be interested in your perspectives on this and thank you very much for being here and holding space for these conversations. I deeply appreciate you, your message of awareness and what you are doing here. Thank you.



t h a n k Y O U ....and you are so right. I have found that it all goes back to The Four Laws of Creation namely the third one in this instance. ONE - You Exist. (the way you exist can change, but you will always exist in some way shape or form) TWO - The One is the All, and the All are the One (state of being: Connection and separation) THREE - What you put out is what you get back. (reflection and attraction) and FOUR - Change is the only constant, except for the first three laws which never change. (experiences you have as a result of actions you have taken)

When sending out a vibration ('negative' for self or 'positive' for others) (malevolent or benevolent) the answer will always be in that contents or frame. The laws of the cosmos, however, state that 'they' whatever beings they are, of whatever density, can not enter unless asked to do so or be allowed without an invitation. After that it is all FREE WILL. For instance, and mind you it all ends up for the better anyway, with the help of Hitler's channel, forget her name at the moment, and they allowing those 'kind' of beings to enter, they received the technology they wanted. But these beings also received what they wanted in return. They are still here now, or on their way out. ![GERMAN UFO.jpg ()