Enigma & Conspiracy
“To see the future you must look backwards” - the book of Isaiah
The beginnings, both of earth and of man, are a complete mystery.
The theories concerning our beginnings that we have been presented with, by both Academics,
who talk of evolution and gradualism; and by Theologians who claim creation, are each fraught
with a myriad of inconsistencies and contradictions. In reality, the true histories of both man and
of our planet are still an enormous riddle. It would seem that all anthropological, archeological
and now even genetic evidence says that modern man simply does not belong here.
The question was posed by scholar Zechariah Sitchin in this manner: “If life indeed began
through a series of spontaneous and random chemical events as evolution and science has so far
surmised then why is it that all life on Earth stems from a single source and not from a myriad of
different sources that were each arrived at by chance? And most importantly why does life on
Earth contain so few of the chemical elements that can be found in abundance on the Earth yet so
many others that are in fact, celestial elements, and rare to our planet? Could it be possible that
the seed of life did not actually evolve on the Earth but in fact came here from somewhere else?”
We have, in some ways, gained some insight into the very first stages of our Solar System and
our home planet. How it was first formed from the gases, elements and primordial stuff of the
universe, gradually cooling into a solid sphere and how the elements then reacted and combined
until somehow at last, the spark of life was born; but from then on, it becomes a little hazyEmbracing evolution, scholars have taught us that all life on earth first came from the sea,
gradually finding limbs and crawling its way onto land where it slowly evolved to form new
creatures, and eventually birds, animals and all other life. We are taught that in ancient times,
well before the dawn of man, strange prehistoric beasts of huge proportions ruled the earth,
enormous cold blooded reptilian creatures, which we have named Dinosaur, meaning: “Terrible
Lizard.” It is believed they first appeared around 193 million years ago and reigned supreme until
most were wiped out some 65 million years ago in the shattering impact of a meteorite or comet
fragment in the vicinity of the Gulf of Mexico. The event caused mass extinctions among many
species by covering the entire globe with a cloud of dust and debris plunging the planet into a
nuclear winter and a devastating ice age. But, almost miraculously, small pockets of the
prehistoric creatures somehow withstood the ravages of cold, survived the ice age and continued
to evolve. Then there is a kind a ‘grey area’ during which the first man evolved from apes and
began life in caves some 2 to 3 million years ago. During that time primitive man is said to have
evolved from primates through to Australopithecus, Homo-Habilis; Homo-Erectus; then
Neanderthal species, which eventually declined to be replaced by Cro-Magnon a species that was
very similar to modern man that seemed to appear apparently from nowhere. Then eventually
Cro-Magnon was itself replaced when the first species of Homo-Sapiens was born about 250,000
years ago. Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens or modern man is said to have first appeared about 40,000
years ago, at which point it’s not considered to be too ‘grey’ anymore and we’re told that mans
history then becomes a relatively straightforward affair: Over time, man ceased dwelling in caves,
learned to become hunters and gatherers, formed villages to live within organized communities
and slowly progressed to civilization about 6,000 years ago, eventually learning to sail and travel,
and finally culminating in our current civilization and advanced level of technology.
We are therefore, in the 21st century, at the very cutting edge and peak of mans technological
achievement so far. Never before in the history of our species has man had such wonders at his
fingertips as those we have created for ourselves in the brief moment in time that is the 150 odd
years since the industrial revolution of the 1800’s – apparently.
All scientific investigation into our past up to this point has been designed to fit within this
orderly paradigm. But due to these restrictions, and even with all of the significant advances in
technology we may have made in the past 150 years, we have made very little progress in solving
the puzzles presented to us by the earths past.
The reality is that our distant history is still an enormous riddle. We only know what we do
from the gradual piecing together of the many enigmatic and confusing traces that have so far
been recovered from around the world, but our true knowledge of ancient history still remains
confusing, unknown, or fragmented at best.
All we really have are various creation myths and theories. And it must be clearly understood
here that in the case of archeology and even evolution, theories are really no more than ideas and
possibilities; one person putting forth what they see as a rational scenario based on the various
information or artifacts they have personally been able gather and study. A hypothesis or
possibility based on available evidence. These theories are then put forth to the Academic
community for peer review and when the evidence that led to the conclusions has been tested and
assessed and criticized and re-assessed and re-criticized and the idea has been deemed agreeable
by all parties, an overall assumption of fact is born. This “fact” can then be used as a basis, or
‘rule of thumb,’ for further studies; that is, until someone else comes along and disproves it by
discovering and proving a new ‘fact’. That is how peer review works.
For example: the theory encompassing the entire history of mans ascension that was just
described for you on the second page was surmised from scientists studying a total collection of a
mere 200 hundred bone fragments, which was the entire amount that had been excavated and
recovered from around the world at the time. And the theory has never really been subject to any
serious revision or academic challenge.
The entire theory is also based on the assumption that Darwin was correct… But what if the basic supposition that was used as the ‘rule of thumb’ in many of these cases
was erroneous to begin with?
What if it didn’t happen that way at all?
What if our history did not actually run as has so far been believed?
Surely if it could in any way, shown to be possible that mans history and indeed the entire
Earths history ran in a completely different way to what has been currently theorized, and taught
as fact, then shouldn’t that be investigated too? Shouldn’t all avenues be exhausted before being
dismissed, until the whole and real truth is found?
Isn’t that true investigative science?
Well, yes it is, but the trouble unfortunately, is that modern science contains a certain amount
of Politics and well, people just simply hate having their theories proved wrong. In fact it’s
always been that way. As history recalls to us, the great scientist Copernicus wasn’t even game to
release his theory on planetary rotation until he was on his death bed and it was his very last day
of life; and just look at what happened to Galileo. Even Newton, as admired and respected as he
was, never announced his involvement in Alchemy and his search for the hidden codes of
creation he believed were locked within the words of the Bible until death, for fear of being tried
for heresy. In that respect, it appears that things haven’t really changed a great deal.
If the truth be known, and in stark contrast to the currently accepted view of history we are
presented with by Academia, there are certain, and quite numerous, telltale signs on our planet
and in our solar system at large that suggest a very different course of events than the orthodox
tenet, and there are also other more esoteric signs that can be found around the world, evidence
that has been left by our ancestors clearly suggesting that they possessed a very extensive and
extraordinarily detailed knowledge of these events and of the behavior and workings of our planet
and solar system. There is also evidence that they based entire cultures on these celestial events
and believed them to be moments of incredible significance for mankind and for the earth. And
there are also tantalizing hints of a long forgotten method to decipher these earthly and celestial
signs, if we could but find a way to read and understand them.
I understand of course that most people who disagree with the theories of Charles Darwin are
almost automatically labeled as ‘creationists’ but I assure you that this is by no means the case.
In all reality, after even a cursory investigation, biblical creation stories are far too contradictory
to make any real sense. Also, in the case of the biblical tale, the really disturbing part is that the
story is not actually original to the bible as has been claimed but is in fact, as has now been
adequately proven, a borrowed, greatly edited version of a much earlier, more complete account.
By way of comparison, the orthodox accounts and theories of evolution and mans past history
that we have been given by Academia, (and that are now presented to us, virtually as concrete
facts,) are also patchy and problematic at best, while some can even appear quite fanciful.
The real problem with both theories being, that they simply cannot account for a great many
details and, in many cases, are both vastly contrary to quite solid evidence.
But cunningly, when such evidence is found, if it appears to, in some way, prove our history to
be different to what is taught; it is hurriedly dismissed, ignored, hidden, thrown into a dark
basement locker or somehow, mysteriously ‘lost.’ In the past many such acts of intellectual
vandalism were often committed in the name of various religions in an effort to maintain
supremacy. Such things are probably to be expected by religious organizations as most are
essentially insecure in their foundations and need constant reinforcement, but when we find these
deeds also being committed within the scientific community it becomes far more sinister and
disturbing. In an institution of learning such an attitude can only be described as detrimental to
the true pursuit of knowledge and extraordinarily unscientific – at best. And have you ever
noticed how many Scholars that do actually come forth with a different theory about our past, and
seriously attempt to discover and debate the real truths, often have their efforts constantly
thwarted and are invariably ridiculed and ostracized? And not just by Academia either, many are
quite often terribly vilified through legal, social, and media channels as well. It seems incredulous how much trouble and effort is actually gone to in order to stifle their information and perpetuate
what appears to be, an enormous myth that is being currently presented to us as historical fact.
The real truth of the matter is that almost every continent on earth can lay claim to some
strange or unusual relic from the past that cannot easily be explained by either Academics or
Theologians. Many scholars have attempted to explain away or quietly dismiss such enigmas off
handedly but there are simply too many that have been found and even more that continue to be
unearthed that just cannot be explained away.
Where then, did all these things come from?
Do we need to know? Are they all nothing more than a collection of interesting and
unexplained “oddities” from a past that is largely unimportant to our future lives, or is there
actually something of benefit, or even great importance, that we can learn from them?
Was there a real reason for the people of old to have gone to such a ridiculous amount of effort
to create the many intricately detailed works of such amazing precision that have been recovered,
or to build such incredible structures? Could there be some message contained within the
structures of these Ancient Places that we may be missing? If these ancient structures were really
designed purely as Temples then it certainly seems that these people went to an awful lot of
trouble to build them and to make sure we would notice their work. Or could it be that many of
them were perhaps something other than merely temples or fortresses?
When examining some of these structures it seems inconceivable, almost incomprehensible the
people who lived in our distant past could possibly have ever created such enormously impressive
stone monuments and delicately tooled items, but somehow, they are there – and we’re not just
talking about a couple of odd items here either, there are absolutely hundreds of them in all
shapes, sizes and forms. Ancient Monuments, Sunken ruins, Incredible Pyramids, strange and
‘out of place’ artifacts of a scientific or mechanical nature, and even odder things, in almost all
countries, right across the entire expanse our globe.
Thankfully, in recent years a number of very reputable scientists, mathematicians and
archeologists have begun to realize that things are quite simply not what they have seemed and
are beginning to explore some of the more radical possibilities of mans beginnings that evidence
has suggested. In this time several new fields of study have also opened up within the science
community. Undoubtedly one of the most intriguing of these fields must surely be the study of
‘Ooparts’ or ‘Out-Of-Place-Artifacts’ though often the study of these Ooparts can present a good
deal more questions than it can answers.
Before the study of Ooparts was recognized as a genuine (though still highly criticized) field of
study, such items were usually considered merely as curio’s or archeological oddities. An out of
sight, out of mind approach was invariably adopted towards any such artifacts and they were
quickly locked away or, in acts of gross irresponsibility, dumped at sea before anyone noticed, so
as not to rock ‘the archeological, anthropological or historical boat’, so to speak. Many such
artifacts are rumored to have been dumped off the coast of America by the Smithsonian Institute
– after all, who wants to re-write all those history books? Such out of place artifacts were usually
deemed ‘painful’ or ‘time wasting’ because they invariable provide evidence that is contrary to
the orthodox tenet we are presented with, and they raise far too many questions for the closed
minded. They can be the most intriguing questions too. All of these artifacts ultimately question
our past as they simply don’t belong where they were found and definitely don’t fit in with in
with what we “know” to be mans history. Yet here they are, right before our eyes. For example:
How could ancient Jewelry bear evidence of electroplating?
How could a stone slab and set of earplugs from the Aztec era bear the signs of being machine
cut at a time when there were supposed to be no machines?
How can there be ancient maps that accurately show the Antarctic coast and continent, free
from ice, hundreds of years before it was even discovered?
How could a lump of coal have a delicate gold chain trapped inside? How can there be numerous signs on earth that suggest ancient atomic or nuclear warfare?
How can ancient Indian texts contain scores of pages of complicated flight manuals?
How can ‘modern human’ fossils exist?
How could people in ancient times have moved 800 ton blocks of stone?
How could the Mayans have built have built those gap free Megalithic Fortresses?
How could a 500,000 year fossil encrusted geode contain a spark plug within it?
How can there be a computer code or algorithm encoded into the text of the Bible?
And that’s just a few of the examples. There are literally dozens more.
In the ensuing investigations of such enigmatic riddles and artifacts there have been many
amazing, and sometimes downright outrageous, statements made by people in numerous
publications throughout the world; so many in fact, that it becomes difficult to distinguish truth
from fiction. Theories have been put forth concerning vast armies of slaves, teams of craftsmen
devoting their entire lives to the completion of one small object, Master stone masons, Alien
Intervention, Beings from other dimensions, Time Travelers, ‘Gods’ from other planets.
All have been suggested as possible explanations, and the list goes on.
At this point you may be asking, ‘But why should we really care anyway? What’s all the fuss
about? The past is just the past - isn’t it?’
Well, interestingly enough, such may not always be the case, because the past may also be a
good indication of the future and, (not withstanding the fact that it would just be awfully nice to
actually know the truth,) there are many scholars who believe that there are certain routine events
that occur on Earth that concern both mankind and the planet we live on significantly. Many
believe them to be events that are, in fact, a normal part of our solar system’s rotational
mechanism and that they happen in regular and predictable orbital cycles.
There also is real evidence to suggest that the people of Earths ancient past possessed some
very detailed information concerning these events. Many of them based their entire cultures,
sciences and religions on them! And there are also other more esoteric signs: Enigmatic
references and hints of a hidden book or code with which we may be able to unlock these
mysteries of our past and future.
At face value, it seems significant that those people who inhabited our far distant past quite
obviously considered a detailed understanding these celestial events to be far more noteworthy
and important than any other religious knowledge, science, or indeed, anything else at all! In fact,
they considered the information to be so important, that they appear to have based their entire
civilizations upon it.
The question is why?
Why such an extraordinary preoccupation with astronomy and the Zodiac? What for? What
kind of information could they glean from such a constant and accurate scrutiny of the heavens
that they deemed so important that it would account for the meticulous degree of perfection
insisted on in aligning their structures? How on earth did they acquire such extraordinarily
sophisticated knowledge to begin with? Who or where could they have possibly acquired such
information from? Much of it is data that would probably be extremely useful to us today and yet
we have only learned a fraction of it and we are still searching through ancient myths and modern
sciences trying to fully comprehend that which we have so far managed to gather.
Most people think of the zodiac as names for nice patterns in the sky or a report they read in a
daily newspaper but the Zodiac is actually an incredibly complex celestial mechanism. It must be
clearly understood just the ancient knowledge of its existence is astounding because even a basic
understanding of the phenomenon of precession of the zodiac requires some very advanced
scientific know how to obtain. It does not happen from someone merely observing the stars, even
if they were to spend their entire life doing so, and yet we ourselves obtained our knowledge of
precession and the cycles of the zodiac from the ancients, not through discovering it of our own