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RE: FLAT EARTH IS THE TRUTH, the Spinning Globe Earth is a theory!!!

in #earthisflat8 years ago

If you knew you had been lied to all your life about this, would you ever trust your government again?

But you are right of course, it doesn't matter what is the shape of our playground. Only what we believe about it.

That being said, the more people who believe we have been placed here by a force much greater than ourselves, as opposed to being the product of pure chance, the more this leads to further questioning. And these are questions those who seek to control us would rather we did not ask.


But in all other cases it's clear to me why we are being lied to (to profit, to create fear, etc.) In this case however - whether the earth is round or flat I fail to see the purpose of the lying. Does it make any of the rich richer, if they tell us the earth is round instead of flat? Does it make us any more fearful and compliant? How? Why? Those are my wonderings... :)