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RE: To Conquer Procrastination is To Conquer Fear

in #earthnation7 years ago (edited)

No I had not seen that but its very interesting. I think dna plays a major role as the article suggest. However I believe in reincarnation and I think it goes farther then just DNA. Animals are part of a group soul unlike Humans. Well humans are in a way but have individual identities but that's a whole other conversation. With animals its the 100 monkeys things. I am sure DNA plays big role also as I said. However with humans we have past life Karma that can cause these things also plus are childhood events.

There is a simple way to clear all this stuff if one is willing. Interestingly enough it was given to a born again type Christian guy and he thought it was just for "believers" although he is more open then many I still think he limited it to much. I immediately saw that it was for everyone. He calls it transformation prayer.

Basic premise is the events we experienced as children we did not understand so we have lies or partial lies that we believe about those events and when we encounter a similar event as adults it triggers us to react based on that original lie. we may not even remember the event. It then through a sequence of questions helps you revisit the memory and than asks if you will allow God to show you the truth of the situation. For non believers you could just say will you allow the truth to be shown to you, or someone of a different persuasion their deity or source or just god. Its the real meaning of the scripture "the truth will set you free." There are other modalities that do something similar another is called the "Emotion Code" I used that quite a bit and you can do it on yourself too. Anyway didn't mean to wax so philosophical lol... But yeah its time for the lights of the world to step up to their callings in my opinion so its good to see this stuff being discussed more and more.


Lol! Kryon? His name is popping up all over the place in my world!

LOL No not Kryon... Are you talking about the guy who claims to channel him Carrol something? Or the Greek Centaur? I am not big on channelers myself. I prefer the inner voice. I believe nothing unless my inner voice confirms it . I am a natural skeptic, however not perfect at hearing the inner voice over the ego or carnal man etc. like most.

If something resonates with me but is not confirmed by the inner voice I don't automatically dismiss it though either. I will put it on the shelf for the time being. It's a life long practice to learn the follow the inner voice and discern it from all the outside voices. Its usually the quiet one. The scriptures call it the still small voice, it is talked about in all the words scriptures and the ancient wisdom. Anyway there I go again lol.

I have been a life long student of the worlds scriptures and many esoteric writings etc. Not something many people know about me. And of course the topic often rubs people the wrong way. Even though I don't require agreement few can disagree without getting heated as you well know lol. So I don't usually engage unless someone is really interested and can maintains an amicable conversation because I am almost always guaranteed to say something that will challenge their paradigm lol.

OK, I mixed my people up. This is the guy I was thinking of. My neighbor used to see someone who studied under him: