"Self Love" by mario duguay
Each day I learn to love myself more and more. Recently, I have been meditating for at least 20 minutes each day. This practice is something I look forward to each day. I would like to share a simple meditation that I find inspiring. I hope you like it!
Loving Self Meditation by Cassiopeia
Find a comfortable and upright place to sit. Breathe in. Then let out a gentle sigh. Now take a few deep breaths and watch your breath as ebbs and flows through your body. Bring your hands to your heart. You can place them directly on your heart or in prayer position.
Bring your awareness to your heart. As you breathe in feel as if your heart is expanding with compassion; as you breathe out, release any stress or worry. Just let go of all that stuff that is stuck inside you.
Now bring into your heart either an image of yourself or repeat your name. See a bubble of white light surrounding your heart. Allow this energy to cleanse any negative self-thoughts. Silently repeat, “May I be freed from self-doubt, may I be happy, may all things go well for me.”
Continue breathing into your heart, filling yourself with love, and repeating the words. “May I be freed from self-doubt, may I be happy, may all things go well for me.” This will generate a deep loving kindness and a sense of true compassion for yourself.
Now inhale deeply and hold this for a few seconds. Exhale completely. Breathe in once again and breathe out. You can now open your eyes and bask in your own self-love.
This mediation was inspired by the Dalai Lama.
@earthnation #boost
Some similarity seems to be present here:
This is an early BETA version. If you cited this source, then ignore this message! Reply if you feel this is an error.The @OriginalWorks bot has upvoted and checked this post! https://www.huffingtonpost.com/ed-and-deb-shapiro/meditation-self-esteem_b_1803862.html
I hope @cassiopeia didn't copy/ paste this
Thank you for bringing this to my awareness. Interesting to know a huffington post was done on this meditation as well. The Dalai Lama is truly inspiring to so many!