Balanced Voting Proposal, Response to Stephanie Mark's Proposal. An Earthnation DAO Proposal 9/28/2017.

in #earthnation7 years ago

Following is a proposal that passed through the Earth Nation Decentralized Autonomous Alliance.

"THE PROPOSAL: a more moderate solution: Allow 2 females/female identified/neutral beings to 1 male/male identified vote holder in - towards 50% balance.

Reasoning: Although I do not see a problem with our current voting in relation to male/female, I believe this topic is very important as we maintain balance and harmony in the EN and grow our culture, our trainings, our voting habits, etc. I am happy it is being felt into right now. I agree both the wisdom of the divine feminine and divine masculine aspects shall be represented.

How many vote holders are male to female? It's about 5:1

This still - - feels imbalanced, even if considering spectrum masculine - feminine individual tendencies, wounding, wisdoms, beliefs, culture, etc.

We currently let new voteholders in at a rate of 10% a week (created to grow and maintain a healthy culture and informed voting population based on what we are currently able to onboard).

Based on the current loomio proposal that did not pass by Stephanie, It could take about a month for a new "man body" member to get a vote holder seat, if all females get in first.(not very fun)

Why take this to a vote again? if Stephanie's was blocked? It was worth me asking these questions.

If we truly felt females are underepresented, what would we do? Do we feel this to be true?
Has our culture created a systemic issue of imbalanced male body to female body representation?
Do we feel the voting has been unfair thus far, where the men's ideals have out voted the woman's? If it has not been an issue, will it be?
I am grateful that I see many beautiful females and divine feminine energies stepping into leadership and action with us, and we will have many more. Who is impassioned to bring in divine feminine vote holders? and do they all have to be female in body? Is this a higher solution?

All this said, here is another attempt towards balance - meeting us where we are at in this moment of 5:1 and moving towards non-gender exclusion/inclusion in our new paradigm as we transition paradigms.

THE PROPOSAL: Allow 2 females/female identified/neutral to 1 male vote holders in towards 50% balance.

Once 50% balance is achieved, leave it to the collective wisdom of spirit and our current vote holders to maintain both masculine and feminine knowledge and wisdom from that period on. I see ways we all can support balance, and this will be further revealed as we bring forth this awareness and wisdom in all that we do and be.

We can reassess this in the future if need be. Always evolving! <3 TY for considering this more moderate solution."

This proposal was created by Lila Star. It was Approved.
This is the 93rd Major Decision made by Earth Nation Voteholders.

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