If you're like me and have years worth of radio shows, podcasts and other timeless content you may have been thinking if there are considerations to file formats and specifications before uploading. Dsound works on a similar principal to Dtube in which it relies on the IPFS (Inter Planetary File System) to decentralise content.
Note: At this stage of the game, Dsound is still going through many changes and developments and it's important to be grateful for what we have and how much is being considered for the rest of the roadmap.
If you're promoting a 90 minute, 2 hour or even 3 hour podcast/radio show, you may have to bumped into this...
Today I started posting podcasts and radio shows to @risemultiversity. In my findings, there were some technical challenges to which I wanted to document and share with you to save you the trouble so that posting to @dsound is a quick doddle.
The page crashes. This is not uncommon and has nothing to do with your PC.
PRC: What is the duration of the file?
Me: 2 hours. It's a podcast.
PRC: And your computer has how much RAM?
Me: 8gig
PRC: Using Firefox?
Me: Chrome and Opera. Both failed.
PRC: ok... so if Chrome fails, then you'll have to wait for the next version of DSound... It will soon change to have the processing done by DSound nodes, instead of on the browser.
Me: 2 hours is too long? It's not about the file size?
PRC: No, it's about the duration, because during the processing phase the entire audio gets decoded to raw audio in memory.
The Solution?
Use Firefox!
Do you need to upload a Wav?
No, Use Firefox!
I hope that has saved you from a whole load of troubleshooting. If you insist on using another browser, wait till the next development update.
One more thing....
Dsound, much like Dtube likes to use its own tags. That may or may not work in your favour. If you need to change them, edit the tags in your Steemit post. Remember, if you go back and edit the Dsound post it will reset your tags. So don't forget to go back to the Steemit post and re-edit them to how you want it.
Big thanks
Consider joining the Dsound community Discord. https://discord.gg/mr2RYeJ to @prc of @dsound for taking time to help me in the moment.
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