When we're in the right frame of "being" (not mind) and co-creating with the planet you may start to experience odd happenings. These occurrences can lead to stress, anxiety, and frustration which you may find will eat up your time. If it's your first time experiencing this or you haven't worked it out yet, it will be upsetting at how it may feel like you're being harvested. Don't leap to conclusions. You won't know the whole story in that moment.
WTF! Why did this have to happen?
Initially, we freak out. We have been taken advantage of for so long that we may not have a barometer or point of reference for what's really happening and as we are in new energies in 2018, it's starting to become clearer for more of us.
If we are not prepared to be in the right state of "now" and "have our sneakers on ready to move" as David Icke would say, we fall back into our comfort zones, including bad thought patterns. Ideally, we want to be out of those old patterns and think more neutrally and assess the situation. In many cases when these turbulences happen it's a form of interference or perceived manipulation that can be interpreted as interference. Either way, life happens with both the good and bad. Navigating through these are key and using co-creation is essential. I find when these things happen, do not get caught up in the drama and the vacuum energy it creates. It's an open door for harvesting.
So what works?
Ignore it. It happened. It wasn't your fault or action by you necessarily. It is what it is. Let it expire. When you walk this path you'll find soon enough a course correction is made. Knowingly or unknowingly, you'll probably find that it wasn't all that bad or how it was really perceived. Sometimes, in fact, they can reveal themselves as a blessing. A wonderful window of possibilities and positive outcomes unfolds. As we stay true and commit to our co-creation you feel that team effort ever more so. The harvesters become desperate and find it harder and harder to scramble together, manufacturing drama or at least alter the scenario enough that your perception of the event is warped and manipulated, freaking out and accepting it as a negative.
Ride it out and wait for the outcome.
You'll be surprised how it's almost never what you think. And if you judged the situation wrong you can course correct the timeline for a positive outcome. Take it as a learning experience. Over time you'll understand more what I've shared here and how to navigate through. I see 2018 to present more of these turbulences. As long as we stay aligned and stick with Team Gaia you'll experience it's less to none at all.
Anaiis Salles for the wonderful teachings in co-creation over the last year.
Image: Paramount Pictures
These views are my own and thank @livinglessons
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