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RE: Heart Tribe Sanctuary: A DAO within the Earth Nation DAO ~ Blog #1

in #earthnation7 years ago

Some thoughts /evaluation:
Drop the safespace and include understanding. It is written here that all forms of love is accepted, but in a safespace it whould not be acceptable for someone that is ego driven to come and learn why that may not be best. (ego is self love and self love only, but still a form of love)

None profit and business is oposing terms and thus an oxy moron if both used to describe one and the same concept.

And why use alot of fancy words that most dont really understand? thats a sign of an intention to hide some aspect what what the intention is.

One thing that very wise to take form TVP is: You dont make decisions, you arive at them.
Anohter note on that is that its written in this text that it is aimed to have no ruling body, yet, it is planned to have a decision making counsil. That is, in effect, a ruling body.

Not to discredit what the aims of New Earth Nation is(something im not entierly sure about what is), but there is some pitfalls to fall into if one does not considder as manny aspects as one can.

And I question why there is no Philosophic avenue in this when its meant to empower individuals. As there wil be little knowledge, wisdome and understanding without it.


Thank you for sharing your opinion and connecting. I see how both of our viewpoints co-exist. And I will be sharing much more details so we all arrive at understanding. This is how I speak and share, authentically me. Each shares our own medicine.