Crying is the most beautiful expression!
Release your confession!
Don't hold back!
Let the floodgates flow!
Connect with your soul!
It's not always sunshine and rainbows!
The mask cannot sustain the facade for all time!
Sometimes to follow your bliss you have to cry!
The stone wall is a lie!
Let out the poision so that the wounded nightengale can fly!
When you go to the root you don't die inside!
The Snake is sly!
She hides inside!
She feeds on your misery and then hides!
Look in the mirror!.
She looks like you!
Stare her in the eyes!
Ask her what she needs from you!
Show her love!
Tell her that you are through!
She cannot come back once she knows that you are the ruler of your own show!
Image Source: Kat Smith
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