Have you eat the six principles of dinner?

in #eat7 years ago


Three meals a day, a lot of time we all pay attention to breakfast, for many friends at night to be perfunctory thing, it is to a rich meal. In fact, the dinner dinner time, the quality of dinner and our body is very close relationship. How can we eat our dinner more healthy?

Dinner with weight

The weight of a person by the daily diet, lifestyle, age and genetic and other factors, but the most closely related is the three meals a day, one of the most worth mentioning is the dinner. As the saying goes, "eat a fat man," obesity is not formed a day or two, 90% of obese people because of dinner to eat too good, too full. Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia. In order to carry out a good weight management, first of all to manage their own dinner.

Best Dinner Time

The best time for dinner is between 18 and 20, and the stomach needs 3 hours to digest the food. Dinner too late, the stomach can not rest, will cause bloating, indigestion, long-term easy to produce stomach pain and other symptoms. In addition, the gastrointestinal work too late will affect sleep, leading to sleep difficulties or insomnia and other issues, a long time easily lead to memory loss, neurasthenia and so on.

More vegetarian eat less meat


Most of the family dinner preparation time is abundant, the table is generally rich than the breakfast, fish and other meat dishes more. This is not good for health. Dinner must be partial, eat high fat, high calorie, high calcium and easy flatulence food, taste crisp fried food loved by the people, but more greasy and not easy to digest, try not to eat at night. You can choose low calorie, dietary fiber content of high food such as oatmeal. This increases the sense of satiety, thereby reducing the total energy intake, is conducive to control weight.

Seven full of carry on


Dinner eat enough, will inevitably cause the stomach, intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and other organs in the sleep is still constantly working and transfer information to the brain, so that the brain is always in an excited state, and then caused by insomnia, long down It will cause neurasthenia and other diseases. Long-term supper, often stimulate a large number of insulin secretion, it is likely to cause the burden of islets increased, accelerated aging, and then induced diabetes. Of course, the meal also need to concentrate on, do not eat while watching TV, it is easy to unknowingly eating too much. At the same time, the meal also need to pay attention to slowly, only chewy will feel their enthusiasm for food changes, hunger dissipated, slow down the speed of eating can also feel the stomach gradually full of feeling.

Reduce sugar intake


Many people used to drink at dinner, not knowing that sweet drinks are very high sugar content, is worthy of the name of the sweet killer. The body intake of sugar too much, will increase the risk of metabolic syndrome, excessive sugar will make the liver produce neutral fat, increase the thickness of subcutaneous fat and fat, and obesity can cause metabolic disorders, suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications The risk is also greatly improved, obesity caused by high blood pressure and glucose and lipid metabolism disorders will accelerate the formation of atherosclerosis. Dinner eating too much sugar, easy to make the brain's nerve cells produce fatigue, but also affect the second day of thinking and memory. Long-term excessive sugar may have a certain damage to the islets, affecting the secretion of islets, so that the regulation of blood glucose concentration damage, causing cell fever metabolic disorders.

Postprandial movement

Food into the body to provide energy for the human body, which requires the body to consume energy, daily activities or exercise is a way to consume energy. The most energy consumption is basal metabolism. Basic metabolism is simple, is to maintain the energy of our basic life activities. After dinner we need to do some exercise, rather than eating on the sofa. Can be 30 minutes after the meal, walk or carry out some relatively minor activities, are good for health.