How I Self-Publish My Book in Few Minutes!!!

in #ebook7 years ago (edited)

Frustration is the best word to describe the painful experience I had while struggling to come to the limelight in my writing career for 10 years with disappointing stories from unreliable book publishers and agents who could not deliver what looks exactly like my dream book.

That seems to be the end of the road for me until I found a new way to express my purpose for living through KDP.

From a frustrated author to a confident author
Though a successful business development executive, my consuming passion for writing has been second to none. Writing has always been a way of life for me, the best way I connect with my world and express my innermost message to my generation, particularly the younger generation.

My first published book with the copyright of 2008 didn’t see the light of the day until 2010. After putting in much efforts to release the book, the quality was a total mess, the reception was discouraging for me and I couldn’t just achieve my dream. It was more like a wasted effort. I gradually began to lose confidence in myself for what I enjoy doing best.

I was so excited when I discovered I can self-publish my book using Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

Late 2016, I discovered that I could actually publish my book on Amazon platform free through Kindle Direct Publishing. Here you do not only get yourself out of the strenuous financial demands of publishing your book, but you will also be paid for what you love doing most. With the help of Amazon Kindle Publishing Guidelines and other resourceful documents on KDP like Formatting Your E-Book on Amazon, I was able to self-publish my first book on Amazon: Dare To Remain a Virgin Until Marriage.

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I was so excited when I discovered I can self-publish my book using Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). The experience to me was amazing. Amazon is amazing, it’s a game changer, the best authors’ companion of the 21st Century.

Pushing the Miracle Button
I remember when the cover design was ready, I beckoned on few of my colleagues in the office to help me pick the best out of the few choices I have.

After editing the book contents, the next big moment for me was when I pushed the ‘publish’ button. All it took was just a click away, I saw my book live after some hours on Amazon. It was like a miracle, I was so excited and highly encouraged.

The New Dawn
I began to regain my lost confidence in writing, all the dead books in me resurrected back to life again as I found a new way of life to express my gifting. I believe I can do more with the do-it-yourself approach on KDP and reach the top in my career and ministry following through the amazing steps of some of the best-selling authors on Amazon like Rachel Abbott.

I couldn’t wait to see the first click to buy the book. It was a remarkable day when the first copy of the book was purchased in February 2017.

Since the book is also registered on KDP Select for free reading within a stipulated period of time, readers started reading the book from that same month. Though I am not there yet, but I know this is the beginning of a new dawn for me.

From frustration to a boosted life of confidence in my writing career. In no time, I released my second book, Marriage Success Secrets, still on the same platform.

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I strongly believe that one day I will hit the best-selling platform on Amazon.

You can self-publish your book too!
Are you wondering how you can self-publish your book without spending any money, check out these links below for more details?

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP):

Amazon Kindle Publishing Guidelines:

Formatting Your E-Book on Amazon:

Thanks for reading!