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RE: Grow Your List with Traffic Exchanges!

in #ebook5 years ago (edited)

Suzanne Howarth is getting a lil lazy lately. As that's a TrafficWave Link in the posting I can easy change the location of the eBook ANYTIME w/o changing any of my posts as I have it in #Twitter and my
Facebook SFI Group and heavens may know where else...
The Donload Link in Hits and Links Cafe hides here:
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BUT Trouth to be told I have no idea if the Rebrander is in there for Free Members as well...Nope, @lisamgentile1961 as I'm (yet again) in a server switch I ride it the secured way and have my (partly rebranded) eBook on MediaFire. It is only PARTLY rebranded as there are dead links in the eBook, seems as if

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