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RE: ECCO - An instant on/off ultrasonically fluidised dusty plasma New Fire reactor

in #ecco8 years ago

Do you think it is possible that it is hydrino reaction? Are you planning to try to verify that?

I think it is possible that the so-called hydrino reaction is in fact a heavy electron species that shrinks the scale of a hydrogen atom/molecule just like a Muon shrinks DD to allow fusion at room temperature.

The SunCell uses Silver - fourth most conductive metal - check. It has Argon 97% and 3% Hydrogen in the jacket - ok, least best noble gas to ionise, but not really an issue given the massive discharge, it is also cheap - most important it will not react. Hydrogen diffuses in. The arc strike from the pulsed super capacitors will create EVOs (heavy electrons / charge clusters) of various sizes, regardless of intention. It will also split Hydrogen. We know from Shoulders and Hutchinson that EVOs go easily into metals and muons go into Deuterons. Piantelli says Protium will not fuse - so perhaps this is the secret... EVOs will go into the silver atoms, EVOs can be made to glow/emit light.

This is a very quick inference summary from all the data.