this place is very well known by everyone who is in the place and outside, this place is also located in a good and cool position, if I think it is very suitable for this place and everyone can take the time to see this place,
I like this place because this luxurious and dashing building is very nice if we look at it from afar, what's more with us there,
this building was built by local people, why was this building built here because this place is very suitable because it is a good place, what's more, the place is very well known by outsiders and insiders because it was the first history of converting to Islam to aceh, y it ( malikussaleh ),
I don't know much about knowing about this history, all I know is the skin if it's about the contents of other people who know, because if we talk about history, the possibility is very long and there are no limits. today I know everyone always comes to this place, mostly to take pictures or photos,
this building is very big and outside, if we are on top like this all the views can be seen clearly, that's why everyone comes to this place specifically to take pictures,
thank you guys for taking the time to post me today, I'm very happy with @ecency don't forget to follow me @aldokhan .