in #ecencylast month
   Maureen how come you're here, mum asked. After all you you did to to her, you still have the effrontery to go to the hospital to check how bad it is to lock here, why ni haven't you people done enough? 

what did soso ever did to you that you can not let go? mum asked all this cause I think she overheard the conversation Maureen had the other time she came visiting me.

Maureen, mum shouted wait you think I'm dumb, that I don't know what is going on? I laugh in Chinese. see my daughter, nothing should happen to her ooo; if not I swear I will hold you accountable, mum threatened.

Ah ah ah madam, hold your wrath oo I'm not ready for this early morning drama of what so ever you may call it, why are you even threatening me ehhh? did I in any way put your daughter in that condition? Maureen yelled with a teary eyes. 

mummy ooo come and see this evil woman accusing me that I am responsible for daughter condition, me that is even pitying her.Hmm "mpok èté êdepè" ( something dey sup oo) she shouted.

The mum came out with yelling at my mum, " how dare you try to accuse my precious daughter ehhhh" Eke soso; she made chances to fight my mum which my neighbors came in on time to separate them. They all know that my mum isn't a trouble shooter, she can't even fight.

Ah Ah "Eke Maureen sūóh ñu dhgí" (mummy Maureen what is it) Aunty favour inquired. can't you see that Eke soso is so heartbroken of what happened to her daughter, which any one will sympathize with her ehh, but in stead you want to fight with her when her kids are not around; Eke Maureen scoffed. Aunty favour was like, she should better thank God that they came to separate them if not my siblings would have beaten her to pulp.

"Kû èdame èsé ofúo ünoh the cause if fàb fàb mfañb" (if we should check carefully, you're the cause of all this trouble) Aunty Favour said while taking my mum out there to give her some words of encouragement and consolation, and also some piece of advice.

There in, I lay on the hospital bed, rolling to the edges of the bed, while in pain that I could not pick a gain. looking outside the window, the nature is so beautiful to behold. The chirping of the birds on the sky, with the fragrance of the medical kits around. New borns coming forth, people shouting in pains, some already dead, some at their last breathe. Hmm what a place I thought out loud. Dear God, I'm much grateful for life. Thank you so much, like you need to see people in the hospital especially the Emergency and Accident ward. you will be like thank you Lord.

Back to my space where I find a little solace, I sat in with my head is filled with memories that makes my heart ache and my head not holding the capacity of what my thoughts are; it will soon explode.
what did I do to Maureen to deserve all this ehhhh? I'm just so curious to know why all this cause I've been so good to her despite her shortcomings, I will choose to ignore it and still be good to her, but she paid back with a bad coin. I am so speechless but it's fine, at least I am getting much better.
I am sure she wouldn't want to go through this pain alone too, she would have dragged me into her mess. what do I do, cause I can't scheme something bad and evil to her,my conscience will beat me to pulp. Okay, I know exactly what to do but first let me take my time to gather evidence, take my time to recover fully too and I think I will talk to my fiance to postpone our wedding.

 A knock on the door, I ask who is that?

it's me, Krain

okay babes, you can come

Soso what's up? I replied as you can see I am doing good and recuperating which all thanks to Jah for speedy recovery. How's everything with you? I asked

Everything is going on good just a bit loose of profit in my business but it will be fine soon, he replied.

Okay my love, I'm missing you ooo it's been two months self. Babes, I've been thinking if we should postpone our wedding to the next two months or we get it done next month.... what do you think? I opined

Hmmmmm, there's no point in postponing it cause I'm calling it a quit with you and I'm breaking off our engagement too. I'm so sorry, he said

Babes nau, why this. Please tell me it's a prank and you're joking, I replied.

He was like, I'm so serious, I don't love you anymore. can't you see you're damaged? and I don't want to stress myself in healing with you. so it's better I let go, he said and banged the door.

"Ha ûgó ïdéh ègeré" (my own is finished) I exclaimed

how will I start, it's tearing me apart. This wasn't amongst the plan I said to my self or did he had a plan B..... I was all in tears cause I loved him.

what a terrible news this morning, like adding salt to my injury.

what will happen to Maureen and the mum
uncovered truth
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