Hey there, hopefully you are having a wonderful weekend!
If not, i hope my post gives you a little laugh.
In the last 2 weeks ive been making a beanie with the round loom, which started out rough.
I had to redo it 6 times (its a late night hobby sometimes so i tend to be partially asleep lol) because of overwinding of posts, loops slipping off, etc.
Than i had a knot that made cinching the top closed impossible to a point because i cut the finishing yarn too short. Longer yarn is better.

I also ended the project too soon because it needed another 16 rows to fit on an adults head.

We live and we learn, right?!
The yarn is size 5 i believe, and red and white striped like a candy cane.
I had fun nonetheless and loved the challenge.
I used the ring below for the first time and i hope to show you an improved beanie soon!

What have you created lately?
Thank you for taking the time to read my posts! I love seeing your comments and i look forward to writing to you again!
Have a wonderful weekend!
~ Bonnie Roberts