Contrary to traditional beliefs, kids may take an essential role in helping the family make ends meet. Because of their age limitation, they may not accept extra jobs to augment the family's income. However, they can always practice practical money-saving tips regularly. Here are the following tips that kids can do to save money.
An open discussion between wants vs. needs
Parents may want to have a light discussion regarding wants and needs. These talks will orient them as to where the family's money goes. Parents should explain the importance of prioritizing food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, and education and making movie tickets, new toys, or the latest gadget a second priority.
Give kids opportunities to make them earn their own money.
The home can be a good training ground to make kids realize the value of money. Before parents permit them to work in McDonald's, they may want to make them earn their own money in exchange for the chores they did at home. Some parents may let their kids earn $30 per week after five hours of doing house chores.
Let kids set goals as to how much they would like to save.
Does your kid want a new pair of shoes for Christmas? Instead of shelling out some of the family's budget, why not teach them to save money and buy the shoes on their own! Parents should consider giving kids the alternative to work hard and save for that item. Parents can elucidate how much money kids should keep every week to achieve their savings goals with the proper guidance.
Photo by Steve Johnson from Pexels
Set up a special place where kids can safely put their money.
It could be a piggy bank or a kiddy savings account. Parents should provide a safe place where kids can put their money. If you think of it, piggy banks are not just for kids. Some adults find this device a handy tool where one can quickly put loose change and coins. When your kid is older, you can set up their checking or savings account. Seeing their money grow in number is enough motivation to save more regularly!
I agree with your tips. I love when children start to learn about how money is earned and how to save them. I've seen these principles applied by my sister to her kids and they have learned to make money out of their passion for baking while they are still young.