Fluffy and clean snow, but the footprints look good on it even if I look at them in black and white, Soon is this sun back and I try find more things also I try find some black and white more too. This strong sun gives lot things so I have to squeeze a lot from this sunny winter days... some times it can take week when sun comes back and if it comes back it just be out 1h or some 30 minutes in morning time and sky is back white .
I shot them straight in black and white, because I also have a black and white system in my camera, the only thing I did after that was light sharpening and that's it.
I was use my small Sony NEX-5T
And my small Sony lens here 16-50 mm
And I was use Photoshop to make this small sharpening.
Whose footprints are those?
Fox and deer 😆👌
Are not those black and white by default? 🙂
By the way, nowadays we have warm temperatures. Currently it is 6 °C, and there is a very light rain.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
Thank you 😆👌👌 I make soon more 😉
Its looking pretty cool on spot of foot print over snowfall at black and white theme, good thinking in photography.
Thank you ☺👌👌🍷
Oh great photos. What could make those footprint? 🤔
Fox and deer 👌👌👌🤭
Ah Okok, cool !
(8/10) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><@pixresteemer
Thank you!!
Strange footprints?! An alien has landed!
Ah :)) .... oh they not come here ... this world is to fuck up :))
Oh! Yup! They did! They took pity on some of us! And they wanted to help some good people!
I wish they would arrest all the elites/cabal and put them on Mars. But they couldn’t interfere with what’s happening on earth. I do have friends from other planets! 🙀😂