Morning has started going more cold here I can feel in every new day how winter has come more closer again . But ...but what I can do it is nature I'm looking forward to winter because the garden has become to wet and muddy where even insects don't want to be. Also I hold lot eyes on market we going new bear winter, if you have seen last 2018 and 2019 bear ... you fill know very feel what to do and be ready. Winter bear can go very low so it also give you 2 years time to get or buy lot low coins up. Not be sad when bear comes, try make it so it looks like your best time to get something big.
2024 we are back up, this how market have moved last 13 years we have bear 2.5 years and bull be 1.5 years ... it have bee all time like this last 13 years.
Now I going to look also what others post on HIVE... I have seen some new users post lot new things and it is fun to see new things.
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Yeah, the autumnal equinox is on 23rd Sept 2022, so we are quite close and after the 23rd Sept there will be gradual changes and you can feel it. I always love the transition phase more than the actual season. By the way, beautiful photography.
Thank you!! .... And I have not idea what Equinox is 😄
Cold morning walking
Sometimes cold morning is good also 😎
excellent friend that for you the cold mornings will return here we are still warm and strong
Thank you!!
The autumn equinox is similar to a birthday, I say this because it only occurs once a year, the gift is to receive the same amount of light in part of the planet and in another part the same amount of darkness, it seems to me a good gift for this celebration, well I guess the planet receives it well.
I wish you a happy day
Thank you!! I try have happy week 😅
Very well judge about market and its being found right what about you have share youre idea, as winter is coming with pre-appear with cold morning that's means gardening is be close near future!
Thank you!!