Extra large snake

in #ecency6 months ago

Extra large snake

Today, while walking in the forest for a long time, I tried to find snakes, one moment I was tired and I thought that I would sit down under a tree to rest my legs, but BOOm, right where I wanted to sit there was a big snake that carefully watched me, it was so big that it it didn't move fast either, but crawled slowly and had eaten its fill of something, either a dead frog or a mole. After that I didn't want to sit anymore because I wanted to look under every tree so that I wouldn't be alone when I tried to sit :))

This here is a female european viper, her pattern is brown on top and not very strong, but the male has a much stronger pattern and his color is also brighter. All female vipers are dull in color. I was pley there like 35 mint to get photos, I was move also very slow that I not make it very mad... so here are photos what I was get.

I be soon back what more snake photos if I find them more, this last two weeks I have seen them very lot :)))

I was use here my Sony A6000
I was use here my Sony E 30 mm Macro lens .


Scary snake, your shot quality is so good that it's scales are prominently visible, and making it even more scary. I would suggest you staying away from venomous snake, or use telescope to capture their photos.

Thank you!! ... no I not staying away , I try soon get more photos :))

Ohhh. These photos are amazing, I love them all, it's hard to choose one. It's very nice this female snake, thanks for showing us these awesome pictures, just take care of yourself.

Thank you!! .... yes i try to be careful when they move, but luckily this snake it was very slow here and that slow movement gave me a lot more control. 😇😇👍🤗 Happy to see you like it .

Reminds me of a recent visit when I seen a snake here laying in the water. I wanted to get a better picture but a frog was right off the shore line. If I would have moved closer to get a better picture the frog may have jumped in the water and became lunch, hehe. I don't know maybe not this snake wasn't huge but looked interested in the frog.

WOW.... next time move , and you get cool photo how nature eats :)))
And yes I see this snake . 😅😅🤗👍

I seen the snake first the frog was a bonus but got in the way of me getting a better shot. Haha I was feeling for the frog. It ended up hopping away to the left not in water. Than snake dove away and I didn't see again.

But your snake large and in charge I don't think it would have went away on its own. You got some awesome photos.

Thanx :)) .... yes this big snake what I had it was very slow, I think it was eat something like 1h back or it have eggs in :)) this why it did not move lot , it was fat :))
But lot times when I see small ones, or male ones then they run fast and it is hard to get photos lot times :))

I'm afraid, is like I'm seeing the snake physical. A very big one.

Thank you!! :))

great photographs as always friend but very close to the European viper you really have to respect its space and not get too close

Thank you!! ... I just maid photos, then I was let it go ;)

It almost looks like a fake snake from how close you were able to get. Best to be careful, I'd be afraid of getting bitten!

YEs I was very close , But to get close I use a camera bag as it is a shield protection, this how I get this photos also :)))

It looks very scary. Beware of it

Thank you !! :)

It is huge in size, very scary looking.It takes a lot of courage to do this photography.

Thank you!! ... yes , I need lot courage :))

These types of snakes are very dangerous

Omg...the snake is so big ....
If I were in your place I would run away from fear😛😛

Ah :))) here all run fast when they see this viper :)) , but I did not run, I was need photos :)))

You are so brave

A big size, thank goodness I had already eaten hahaha.
A hug and I hope you don't mind the joke, quite the opposite, smile.
I wish you a happy day

Thank you!! npr ... like jokes ;)

Thank you!! :)

That is actually a very large snake actually and which someone needs to looked into actually

Thank you!!

Wow! That’s a big snake! Luckily you didn’t sit on this snake. She seems to be happy to see you. This is quite special, you could find big snake in the forest.

Thank you!! .... to be honest , I had big eyes when I was start sit and I was see it :)))

You could control your emotions very well and didn’t frighten the snake to become aggressive!

yes, it is important that you are not afraid near them, when you are afraid then they are strong ;)

Yup! I know what you mean. I think these wild animals could read your mind or feel your emotions!

You were close to the snake, I am scared of what you do. Really amazing photography

Thank you!! :)))

Thank goodness you did not sit on it, these snakes could be venomous so be careful around them.

Thank you!! ... YEs I hope I never sit on it :)))